Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 15: Never have I ever... eaten Goat (Indian food fun part 1)

I'll try any meat once. I've had venison, lamb, kangaroo, rattlesnake, ostrich. But I would never try goat, despite being emphatically told it was delicious by several palates that I trust well. 

Something about eating goat just doesn't sit right with me. I think it has to do with the fact that when I was growing up, my childhood best friend's family had several sheep and a goat. We would head down to the barn to feed and play with the animals in their large pasture, and Gretchen, the goat, had a lot of personality. Sometimes Gretchen was a friend, sometimes a foe, but I liked her. And now, I find it weird to think of eating an animal with that much personality. I know, I know, I will happily scarf down chickens and cows and pigs and ducks, and I know they may have winning personalities as well. But what can I say.... every time I see a plate of curry goat, full of bones and meat, I envision that I'm consuming spindly little goat legs, better meant for climbing meadowy hills! (yes, I know that usually legs are never eaten...) 

But at Indian lunch yesterday, I tried the curry goat, indeed. The meat was succulent and tasted more like beef or veal than lamb. It wasn't gamey at all. But it was hard to truly discern the meat's virgin taste through the thick veil of curry and coconut flavor in the sauce. 

Results: I came, I ate. It was good. I can certainly understand why many people of all cultures enjoy goat meat. Perhaps if my Gretchen-guilt subsides, I'll enjoy a goat dish again in the future.

Status: Success!